Imagine Your Clients Love Paying You. Redefining Business Model and Taking it to a Whole New Level.
Let’s say your business is incredible. However, you only earn enough for your bills, and probably you are wondering, ‘what do I need to change to make it evolve? Or what do I need to do to have extra money to fly that private jet and/or have a vacation with my family in a five-star hotel?’
You can make your clients love paying you.
Well, this article will help answer your questions through Riya Sokol.
Who Is Riya Sokol?
Riya Sokol is a public figure, international speaker, and mindset mentor, She shows the reality that redefines ideas we had about life and our ability to impact it and reprograms old stereotypes, exchanging them for new ones…
Redefining your business model
One of the things that revolutionized her business was her relationship with money and her clients. The first question she might ask you when you bring the willingness to create the life of your dreams, is how do you pay for things? whether it is a bill in the restaurant, a bill in the Louis Vuitton shop where you want to buy a dress, or a bill for your tax? How do you treat your clients? What kind of client are you, yourself?
Riya teaches these things because the majority of people don’t realize it. According to her, the moment we pay is crucial for our relationship with money. “Until I did it without awareness, I didn’t pay attention to pay. And- like everyone else, I treated spending money as a loss. Then I started seeing every spent penny as an investment. Even when I’m buying apples, or paying taxes. Changing that tiny detail has brought to me and thousands of my client’s incredible results in how much we started to earn.” . says Riya.
Therefore in redefining your business model, have fun when making your payments. That’s one of the things that change your mindset and impact your energy. Though it is not something obvious, people trust Riya. This move instantly changes the game regarding how we become different versions of ourselves, full of excitement and joy. We become better partners, daughters, moms, clients, and bosses. The world becomes a better place for everyone around us. Everyone benefits.
Pay your taxes
Riya’s clients love to pay her. When purchasing her products they would send her messages, dancing with champagne and thanking her, they could buy it. That is a whole new reality- where paying is an excuse to celebrate life. What she does is activate the abundance mindset. That creates more abundance. And that creates more joy and freedom and money.
Riya works to make herself feel as radiant, full of pleasure, joy, and gratitude as possible. Well-being is her priority, and she naturally becomes a match for people. When a client approach coaches like Riya and they have doubts, she asks them to take their time off and relax and not to push themselves. She attracts people who love to pay her, as she loves to pay others. This makes the old game of paying to go to trash and creates a completely new reality, where paying is never lacking. It’s always abundance. And abundance creates more abundance.