How A DUI Will Affect A Child Custody Case
It’s no secret that a drunk driving charge is a serious thing to contend with, as any repeat DUI lawyer will tell you. Can its effects reach as far as a child custody case, though? The short answer is “yes,” but there are some nuances that are worth mentioning, so read on to see exactly how a DUI might come into play during a custody hearing. The Rippling Effects Of DUIs The immediate consequences of a DUI are ones that most already know — hefty fines, potential jail time, suspension of your license. What many don’t realize, though, is that it can have an impact on other areas of your…
The Crankatsuris Method, a New Approach To Dealing With Crankiness Effectively
Have you been kvetching about your tsuris until even your bubbe doesn’t want to hear bupkis from you? Well, fear not. Steven Joseph thinks you’re a true mensch for having the chutzpah to let your crankatsuris out. If none of that makes sense, then you’re doubly in luck. Joseph is not only your guide to effectively dealing with crankiness, but he’s also your colorful instructor into his hilarious and offbeat take on what it means to be Jewish. Therapists often recommend letting our inner anger out to express our feelings and reduce stress. Steven Joseph is a true connoisseur of crankiness in all its myriad flavors. In fact, he’s built…
We Have Unlimited Potential to Succeed on Our Journey
I was doing some thinking earlier today after watching a story on the news about how a woman went from being on welfare to building a million-dollar business. It was remarkable. She was from a small rural town and created a service for the local community that solved a major problem. While many people might complain about the cards they are dealt or make excuses, this woman decided to do something to better herself, and her family. This made me sit back and realize that we truly do have unlimited potential. Every single one of us. Whatever it is that will make you happy or whatever it is that you…