We Have Unlimited Potential to Succeed on Our Journey
I was doing some thinking earlier today after watching a story on the news about how a woman went from being on welfare to building a million-dollar business. It was remarkable. She was from a small rural town and created a service for the local community that solved a major problem. While many people might complain about the cards they are dealt or make excuses, this woman decided to do something to better herself, and her family. This made me sit back and realize that we truly do have unlimited potential. Every single one of us. Whatever it is that will make you happy or whatever it is that you…
How to Save Money with Coupons Every Time You Shop Online
Think of how many times you shop online, whether it’s a regular purchase from Amazon for the essentials or a spur of the moment impulse buy after seeing something online that you simply couldn’t pass up. Just how much is being spent online every year? Well, consumers spent $517.36 billion online with U.S. merchants in 2018. Let that number sink in for a minute. There is a lot of transactions being processed every second. Online e-commerce never sleeps. It works around the clock. You shop online. I shop online. We all do. So, don’t you want to save money every time? From discounts that are applied to the entire shopping…