How to Select A Mother Plant?
Mother plants are a blessing in disguise for marijuana plant cultivators as it offers many benefits that are unmatched when compared to male plants. With the understanding of feminized seeds, there has been a rise in female marijuana plants. With feminized seeds, you can get reliable growth all year round. Mother plants have high THC content, which helps users to get high. Also, they come with many medicinal and recreational benefits, which make it so popular among cultivators. Choosing the right plant can prove challenging. To ensure you have selected the right plant, below, we have some tips which will guide you and help you achieve the best results. Once…
CBD Oil for Knee Pain
If you are experiencing any pain in any of the joints in your body, CBD oil might be able to help you. An alternative to strong drugs like opiates, you can take CBD oil any time of day or night to help you eliminate pain and have a more productive day or even to help you sleep at night. There are a lot of CBD oils available for knee pain, and you should be able to find a flavor you like and a dosage that works for you. It took decades, but there is finally a pain relief option on the market that is non-pharmaceutical, and does not have any…
Geoconquesting: Is It a Viable Marketing Strategy?
Part of the beauty of geofencing is that you can target multiple locations at the same time. While individual users can only be in one place at a time, geofencing applications let you monitor multiple geofences in different locations simultaneously. The ability to operate several geofences at once opens up the possibility for some interesting strategies. “Geoconquesting” is a particular location-based marketing strategy that involves setting up geofences around competitor locations to push your ads to their customers. True to its name, geoconquesting is a kind of virtual conquest in which you strategically set geofences to pick up traffic from competitors. Geoconquesting: How It Works Say you own a local…
Communication is Better with Cell Phones
Cell phones have had a massive impact on the way that we live our lives. Think about where society was even ten years ago and just how far we have progressed in that time. Sure, it wasn’t the Stone Ages a decade ago, but the advancements in technology make it look that way. There are some that think that cell phones have changed things for the worse. And sure, there are downsides to cell phones just like there are downsides to just about anything else. But cell phones have changed things for the better in so many different ways. Since coming into existence back in the 1980s, cell phones alone…
The Benefit of CBD Oil: CBD Oil for Arthritis
Anyone who lives with arthritis can understand how painful it can sometimes be. Your activities are limited by it and although most of the time it is bearable, other times it can be downright uncomfortable. If you are suffering from arthritis and would like a natural solution to the tenderness, then you probably have considered CBD oil. CBD oil has many great benefits and now researchers wonder what effects CBD oil might have for arthritis patients. What is Arthritis? For those that have arthritis, you know what it is, maybe a bit too well. However, for those that are not familiar with arthritis, it is the tenderness and swelling of…