Lyft v. Uber Comparison
Ridesharing services are all the rage in the modern day. While it’s true that the Coronavirus pandemic has put them in something of a precarious position, the fact remains that pre-pandemic, these services were booming in a big way, and the idea of ridesharing is one that’s likely to last well into the future.
With that in mind, many wonder which of the “big two” ride hailing services comes out on top. While Lyft and Uber might seem indistinguishable in their offerings on the surface, a more careful examination reveals that there are significant differences between them.
Pricing & Charges
Both services will provide you with a small account credit for signing up, and both services are known to increase their rates around those peak riding times and areas with high demand (surge pricing).
As it turns out, though, Lyft is a bit more transparent with their receipts, breaking down charges with greater accuracy, and, because Uber is more popular in many cities, it experiences a greater number of surge markups, making Lyft relatively less expensive in those scenarios.
Ease Of Use
Both Uber and Lyft have smartphone apps that you use to summon a car, and when it comes to the basics, they’re neck-and-neck in terms of functionality. One way in which Uber edges Lyft out, though, is the ability to split fares between multiple riders in the app.
This is a feature that Lyft used to have, but they removed the feature in 2018 and haven’t replaced it with an alternative. What’s more, Uber includes additional features, like allowing you to request wheelchair accessible vehicles for your ride, that put it ahead of Lyft’s offerings.
Availability is another area where Uber beats Lyft handily. Uber is available worldwide, while Lyft is mainly available in the United States and Canada. Even in the United States, you’re more likely to find Uber drivers out and about than you are Lyft, making it the more practical choice if you’re in a hurry.
And What About Safety?
Here’s a final tidbit that will interest riders and rideshare accident attorneys alike — both Uber and Lyft may be contributing to an increasing number of fatal crashes on the roads. Now, this isn’t to say that Uber and Lyft drivers get into more crashes than the average motorists (and there may even be data to suggest that rideshare drivers are more cautious than average), but because ridesharing services put more cars on the road, the likelihood of accidents increases all the same.