Ryan Hoggan: Which New NFT Artists I’m Watching On Rarible (And How I Find Them)
The world is fast advancing into the digital space. We’ve steadily evolved from ebooks, then to e-money, and even now incredibly we’ve ventured into e-art or digital art.
It wasn’t too long ago when there was all this craze surrounding cryptocurrency and people couldn’t stop talking about whether it would last or not. Since then, trading systems of all kinds have been established up to the point where people now trade digital creations like; art, music, and even data considered to be one of a kind.
In the buzz of all these, we met with NFT enthusiast, Ryan Hoggan, who is also a real estate investor, an experienced entrepreneur and a cryptocurrency expert, to ask him a few questions regarding NFT art and the Rarible community.
Ryan Hoggan, can you tell exactly why NFT Art has become such a big deal today?
But that’s the thing, NFT art isn’t something that suddenly came into play. Although not digital, we can trace the trading of ‘one of a kind’ asset to a very long time ago, even before you and I were born.
These ‘one of a kind’ assets were hand drawn portraits, paintings, Pokémon cards, designs, etc. The digital art space has only opened up a channel for digital artists to display their work, and more importantly, NFT allows the ownership of these artistic creations to be traded.
If that isn’t a big deal, then I don’t know what else is.
Apart from Trading Ownership, what other benefits would you say can be attained from NFTs?
Like I said in an article on my blog, NFTs can help brands build revenue channels, by allowing them engage in newer forms of customer satisfaction using storytelling. Currently, more consumers of products and services are no longer satisfied with just the physical, people are looking forward to a digital medium of getting products and services.
People are looking to own digital assets. Building on that, businesses and brands can carry out promotional activities using NFTs, and consequently attract more of those open-minded consumers towards their brand.

Can You Give Us A List of NFT Artists That You’re Currently Watching Out For ?
First on my NFT list will have to be the Yuga Labs designers of BoredApeYatchClub, which is a collection of cartoon apes. Anyone who is into NFT, would have come across them or heardtalks of them.
Other Artists include, ArtsBlock Factory, MutantApeYatchClub, and Cool Cats.

Where Do You Find these NFT Artists?
Twitter is one place where you can randomly come across a link for an NFT Art auction , and in the process come across an NFT artist. But one place that has an abundance of NFT Artists and their art collections is https://rarible.com/.
You can follow me on Rarible at https://rarible.com/ryanhoggan?tab=liked. Most of the artists listed above are among the top collections on there.
Would You Say that NFT Art Will Still Be A BIg Deal In the Next Five Years?
Although one can never really say for sure what will be the future outcome of a trend, with simple analysis of current happenings it can be easy to predict the future. I think NFT Art will be a big deal in the next five years, and I do believe that if things continue as they are, they would become even much bigger deal, comparable to investing in real estate.