Cat Howell: How Emotions Craft Our Reality
The brain’s ability to comprehend an infinite amount of information per second indicates that there is more to the universe than what our senses can currently perceive. According to recent research, a person’s perception of reality and what they think is real will ultimately determine what is true.
What makes us human are our emotions. Experiencing the physical world through emotions is such a potent manner. Our welfare depends heavily on our thoughts and related emotions. Since our body constantly produces new cells, it is evident that our thoughts and emotions impact the type of cells produced.
Cat Howell At A Glance
Cat Howell actively practices magic and alchemy and runs a coven. Additionally, she is also the host of the flow protocols podcast and the author of Magic Source Codes. Cat helps founders and visionaries redefine reality’s rules and cultivate their desires without sacrifice.
In this article she shares how emotions craft our reality.
First, the energetic language of the material plane known as emotions is a technique for classifying information as memories into related realities. Together, emotion and thinking create inner realities that serve as the perceptual lens and filter for creating an outward reality identical to our perception of it. Regardless of the external reality, we must contend with it. We act to reorganize the information present in it by just observing and bringing out what corresponds to it and can be used to create our intended experience while simultaneously ignoring and leaving out what cannot. We are constantly rearranging the reality that already exists as an independent, neutral, and objective reality to create a world that is subjective and wholly unique to us.
Understanding How Emotions Craft Our Reality
When we rebuild things based on our memories and mental paradigm, we don’t see things as they are; rather, we see things as “we are.” According to our own opinions, preferences, and judgments about others, we constantly remake them in our image. Every person involved in the same incident will have a unique perspective and share a unique tale about it. This is because we are endowed with superior mental capacities as humans; we employ a dynamic filtering system based on the idea of “natural selection” to “make reality” out of what we perceive. Living out of a predominantly unconscious state as a corrupted type of instinct, we remain in a constant reactive state when our emotions control us. As a method of developing ourselves, we engage in continuous automated processes that repeat repeated behavioral patterns.
The principle at work in emotions becomes clear once we comprehend it. We can then see that anyone constantly experiences emotional reactions that force the present to reflect on the past. They interpret and perceive current events to mean the same thing and convey the same kind of narrative about them by continually bringing memories from the past into the present.
When we construct and live our lives based on the illusions that our emotional responses produce, we do it in an unconscious state and are not consciously aware of the acts we are taking or their motivations. To make the present seem like the past and experience it the same way, we project memories onto the present. This is how illusions are created. We can start neutralizing the emotions of others being expressed and projected toward us by becoming conscious of how we behave to generate our own experiences. By doing this, we can perceive things from a calm and relaxed state rather than from the perspective of others’ emotions.
What’s Next?
We do not perceive reality neutrally and impartially as it is. Rather, because we are constantly experiencing emotional states, we construct our reality experiences based on our beliefs and judgments about them. We adopt our animalistic tendencies and create in an automatic and instinctual manner by repeating the same types of perceptions and behaviors without realizing that we have the power to change them and create more consciously by choosing the meaning we give to things and using our will to produce new types of experiences by mastering various storytelling techniques. As we start to recognize our own emotionally driven inclinations, we gradually give ourselves greater power so that we can think and create in new and varied ways.